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Let's talk about life

There's a lot going on with us here at Freedom Life Grace Church. We can't fit everything into a service or Bible Study so we have made this blog available to you as a resource, inspiration, and amusement. 

Enjoy! Share! Repeat!

Will Rucker • Personal Growth
Scriptures: John 8:36
Gateway doctrines appear harmless at first. Yet, quite honestly, once you try a gateway doctrine you're never satisfied. You always want another hit, something stronger, and something more radical. Gateway doctrines start out small like a mustard seed, but once they take root, they turn into a large bush. If you are careful, if no one pulls you back into the fold, that bush undergoes a wild transformation and becomes a tree large enough to provide both rest and shade.
What if I told you there's a church in Vegas that would accept you just as you are, no strings attached? That would show you (from the Bible) that God isn't ever mad at you and that He is actually very pleased with you? A church that would help you reach your full potential no matter how long it takes? Good News! Grace Church is here!
Will Rucker • Marriage
A pastor from within my former denomination tagged me in a post. My assumption is that he genuinely wanted answers to these questions from someone who was "cut from the same cloth," so to speak. I also believe these answers will be helpful for those of you who also question how and/or if Christians can wave rainbow flags.
Will Rucker • General
Scriptures: Matthew 9:13
We ultimately want to be good. Our image of God is the one who is the blueprint of goodness. Whatever He is, we strive to become. God doesn't make mistakes, so in order to please Him, in order to be accepted by Him we can't make mistakes either. How silly of us to think that way. What an impossible standard we have created for ourselves. No wonder religion makes us crazy.

Will and JaJuan Rucker, Founders
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