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Let's talk about life

There's a lot going on with us here at Freedom Life Grace Church. We can't fit everything into a service or Bible Study so we have made this blog available to you as a resource, inspiration, and amusement. 

Enjoy! Share! Repeat!

Will Rucker • Fear
What's happening to the Bible?
Gospel Artist Erica Campbell shared a picture with a caption stating "The #NIV has taken scriptures out of the bible on mobile devices and computer apps. 45 COMPLETE verses removed from the bible. #readitforyourself #dontbedecieved #readtheHolyBible" .
In summary, the picture states the NIV has removed 54,575 word including Jehovah, Calvary, Holy Ghost, and omnipotent. It prefaces this statement with Zondervan is now OWNED by Harper Collins, who also publishes the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex.
Will Rucker • Church Development
I believe with my whole heart that this church - Freedom Life Grace Church - is going to lead the movement for a new day in Las Vegas. You know they call this city "Lost Wages." I kind of like that one. The Bible lets us know "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) Imagine if Vegas became know all around the world for lost wages. Imagine if when people walk the strip, instead of seeing the stripped ladies, they see us - handing them a card that says, "Jesus stripped your sin." Or "The wages of sin got lost in Las Vegas."

Imagine if when people came to our city, the experienced the life and love of God. Imagine if our church was "the newest attraction in Vegas."
What if I told you there's a church in Vegas that would accept you just as you are, no strings attached? That would show you (from the Bible) that God isn't ever mad at you and that He is actually very pleased with you? A church that would help you reach your full potential no matter how long it takes? Good News! Grace Church is here!
Will Rucker • General
One of my greatest frustrations with Christianity is its belief that Jesus is only found in it - that Jesus is somehow limited to revealing Himself only to those of a particular brand of faith. The truth of the matter is God is not a Christian and neither is Jesus. One of the most polarizing words in the world is Jesus, with Christian being a close second. Whether you are a Mormon, Catholic, or Protestant, Jesus is a big deal to your faith. I really find it interesting that Jesus is also a big deal in the Jewish faith, and Islam, too. So what is the problem?  

The problem with believing Jesus is a Christian, or more broadly, to follow Jesus one must call him or herself a Christian, is that it simply isn't true.

Will and JaJuan Rucker, Founders
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